Saturday, January 21, 2012

Don't look back

Hey there. Rasa dah macam setahun tak update my blog. Bukak blog je that day everything macam membosankan. I should change my layout and everything. Since its a year of 2012 then i should change all the 'boring' stuffs i keep. Picture pun lama punya. Tapi no matter how much i try to change, its still me. Same old feeling, same old issues and bla bla bla. So why should i change? 

Errrr. . . . have no idea. But sometimes we need something new in life. Have to move forward and let those unnecessary things left behind. Life is too short right. Jadi kenapa harus kita habiskan seluruh hidup ini dengan bersedih, berduka lara, bermuram durja dan segala yang sewaktu dengannya? Many more things to be explored out there. Can you see it? Open up your eyes . . . and also your heart and have faith. And then only you can see it. Trust me.


p/s: we are so not talking about the layout right? haha.

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