Yesterday's midnight marks the end of this year's Big Bad Wolf 2017 dan kali ni berjaya pergi dua kali sebab first time tu Aarfan meragam tak nak tidur dan second time barulah dapat shopping.. sekejap. This year rasanya Big Bad Wolf provide a bigger section for children's books tapi cloth book dan touch & feel book kurang or maybe tak jumpa sebab sempat jalan about an hour je.
Even at midnight still kena queue untuk snap picture kat sini sebab forever ramai crowd unless it is midnight on weekdays. Parking under the exhibition hall pun lebih murah RM3 Mon - Fri dan RM5 Sat - Sun per entry.
The books selection varies from babies, toddler, children, teenagers to adults and even grown men so it is definitely a paradise for all books lover! Harga way cheaper dan boleh jimat dalam at least RM10 okay so mostly parents will come here dan beli buku stok setahun untuk anak-anak.

Anyway, can't wait for next year's BBW cause Aarfan will be 1 year plus so hopefully dah ada character or books preference. Well until then, tata dari ibu dan Aarfan!
Yesterday's midnight marks the end of this year's Big Bad Wolf 2017 dan kali ni berjaya pergi dua kali sebab first time tu Aarfan meragam tak nak tidur dan second time barulah dapat shopping.. sekejap. This year rasanya Big Bad Wolf provide a bigger section for children's books tapi cloth book dan touch & feel book kurang or maybe tak jumpa sebab sempat jalan about an hour je.
Even at midnight still kena queue untuk snap picture kat sini sebab forever ramai crowd unless it is midnight on weekdays. Parking under the exhibition hall pun lebih murah RM3 Mon - Fri dan RM5 Sat - Sun per entry.
This time around BBW sediakan troli kecil so senang letak buku dan anak-anak which I think is brilliant. First dulu they provide box then basket ada roda tu and finally now a mini troli so improvement la every time, great!
Since Aarfan suka hisap buku so mostly memang sekejap je dah koyak and no other choice but to buy board book sebab tebal so hisap kemam lah berapa lama pun for sure tak lunyai, at least will take years la kot haha.
The books selection varies from babies, toddler, children, teenagers to adults and even grown men so it is definitely a paradise for all books lover! Harga way cheaper dan boleh jimat dalam at least RM10 okay so mostly parents will come here dan beli buku stok setahun untuk anak-anak.
We need at least 2 hours to just browse through all sections tapi this year Aarfan ada so sempat sejam je pergi randomly belek section children. Now that's the best part of it, bukan setakat boleh belek, boleh duduk baca sambil kalau lapar or dahaga there's even small cafe there.
Honestly speaking, hubs and me bukan book lovers tapi sejak BBW wujud few years back, we bought so many books dan even dah setahun tak habis lagi baca haha. Now all those books aarfan suka sepahkan and this picture down here just sikit dari total books we bought from BBW.