Showing posts with label Berpuitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Berpuitis. Show all posts

Monday, July 2, 2012

I thought I am scared
I was terrified
I thought I am uncertain
I was skeptical
I thought I am escaping
I was finding a way out
I thought I am avoiding
I was trying not to be part
but I no longer was
cause now I am
your family
our families.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Apabila kita

 CINTA itu apabila. . .

Cinta itu apabila ia berakhir
namun tiada yang saling memburukkan.

Cinta itu apabila kemaafan diberi
tatkala tiada keampunan yang dipinta.

Cinta itu apabila masih gigih memberi
walau tiada yang sudi menerima.

Cinta itu apabila masih mekar di hati
walau ia telah dimamah usia.

Cinta itu apabila senyuman masih dilemparkan
tatkala bukan diri yang  menjadi pilihan.

Cinta itu apabila doa kebahagiaan diutus
walau hati sedang hancur luluh.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

I can't see. It blinds me. .

     Ahhhhhhh. . . . indeed IT IS. 

Love is totally blind
when a guy fall in love 
with a handicap girl.
A girl whose lack in patience
fool in dealing with her own feelings
unable to control pessimism side of hers
still lost in her own world
in attempt to find herself.
Yes I am handicap
I'm not good
nor am I perfect
have too much to be improved.
And indeed
if you love a handicap girl
if you love ME.

p/s: thank you

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Life is about taking chances. 
Life is about giving a chance. 
Life is about chances you get. 
Life is about chances you missed.
Life is about chances you ruined.
This is my life. 
Therefore it is my chance.
To start taking the chance. 
To make myself happy. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

a Time is all we need

I was a given a time to think
About us
But i do not know what to think about
Maybe because there are too much to think about
Or maybe there is nothing to be think of
But i took the time to reflect back on
What we did
Words we said
Places we visited
Pictures we took
and stories we shared
And i found myself smiling and crying while doing so
I guess. . . i got the answer.

I am happy when i'm with you
But i also cried because of you
Well this is what i called a relationship
There are up and down
happy and sad
whispering and shouting
And most importantly. . .
There are times when we did something wrong
We realized that we are wrong
We regret it 
Try out very best to become a better person
and also time for us to give our forgiveness to each other
Let us do that. . shall we?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Let me be ME

Having a weird wish 
Where i wish im not me
I wish i can start a new life as a different person
As a strangers to the world
Where non will know me
Not bounded to history
And nobody will be judging
No more tears to be pour on
No more me..

Let me live in this world freely 
Passes by the day with new feelings everyday
Without having any bad day
Or moody day and unlucky day
Just a happy day every single day
But what kind of life would that be
Life without a lesson and experience
A life without being me
Who am i?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

i want what i need

We always wanted those that we don’t need
We wish for everything that we don’t required
We aim too high that we missed those on the ground
We are too busy looking around and mislooked what's infront
We are mad cause nobody's listening while we are too busy talking and refused to listen
We accused others to be blind while we kept our eyes and heart closed from seeing what's around us.

Now lets pray to get what we really need
Lets wish for everything that we required only
Lets begin from the very bottom and then aim high as we climbed further
Cherish what's in front of us and only then seek around as there are too much to be wasted
Its time to let others to talk and learn to be a good listener cause we were given two ears and a mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we talk
  Open up our eyes and heart cause there are too much to be looked at and grateful for
And thank Allah for all His gifts and blessings to us
The ungrateful slave…

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Selamat malam..

Indah sungguh ciptaan yang Maha Esa
Malam yang indah dikurnia untuk hambaNya beristirehat dan
tatkala malam menjadi sepi..
hambaNya yang bertaqwa menyerah diri kepadaNya.
Dihiasi malam-malam sunyiNya dengan mainan mimpi-mimpi indah membuai lena sang manusia.
Hingga kadang-kala ada yang terlalu asyik di dunia mimpi yang fana sehingga azan subuh yang berkumandang tidak lagi mampu di dengarinya..

Thursday, April 8, 2010

kau harus sedar

hidup kat dunia nie sementara je

aku takkan di sini selamanya

rugi jika sendiri

hanyut jika ku sendiri

sunyinya hidup sendirian

aku perlukan teman

yang memahami segalanya

yang sedar tentang kewujudanku

tak perlu lagi mereka2 yang hanya tau mensia2kan kehadiran aku

tapi siapa?

sampai saat ini aku tak pasti

samaada aku mampu berkata aku telah berjumpa dgnnya

atau mungkin aku takkan dpt jumpa buat selamanya?

haih..aku tak tau

takkan ada jawapan itu dengan aku

mungkin lagi elok andai aku tak tau jawapannya

tak pasti samaada aku nk tau

sebab takut nanti ia tak seperti yang aku harapkan

dan aku terus akan tangisi

kesunyian diri ini

