We always wanted those that we don’t need
We wish for everything that we don’t required
We aim too high that we missed those on the ground
We are too busy looking around and mislooked what's infront
We are mad cause nobody's listening while we are too busy talking and refused to listen
We accused others to be blind while we kept our eyes and heart closed from seeing what's around us.
Now lets pray to get what we really need
Lets wish for everything that we required only
Lets begin from the very bottom and then aim high as we climbed further
Cherish what's in front of us and only then seek around as there are too much to be wasted
Its time to let others to talk and learn to be a good listener cause we were given two ears and a mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we talk
Open up our eyes and heart cause there are too much to be looked at and grateful for
And thank Allah for all His gifts and blessings to us
The ungrateful slave…

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