Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Its Never 'OK'

Few have asked,

"Are you okay dear?"
"Ain ok ke?"
"Weyh....pe cerr ko skg? de problem ke?" 
"Darl..is something bothering you?"

And bila ditanya. . . mana korang semua dapat idea yang aku tak okay ni? Mereka seraya berkata,


Maka hilai tawa ku terus menyusuli statement diorang. Okay fine. I admit that lately i've been producing such 'dramatic posts'. But is it necessary mean that something is 'wrong' with my life? I guess their answers is, 



"Hahahahahaha. . . . "

Seriously guys? Memang emo and dramatic posts can only be posted by those who have 'something wrong' in their life je ke?


Okay. . . okay. Fine. Something is definitely 'wrong' in my life and i just don't know what it is. Or actually. . . i refused to know. Okbai.

p/s: 'moron' is certainly not you guys dearest friends :)