Early this year I've changed my status from Cik to Puan, sound pretty weird and awkward at first but after almost 6 months I'm used to it and proud of it hehe Alhamdulillah. And as I were preparing myself for the wedding, I found it very hard to find any source of information from blogger.
I thought to myself kalau cari sendiri sure banyak tempat nak kena survey tapi kalau through blog, sure ada 'testimoni' dari mereka yang pernah menggunakan perkhidmatan that particular place. But unfortunately, the source is terhad especially for bride in Seremban. So here I am now to give my own 'testimoni' to B2B from Seremban out there with the hope that if not much, but at least I can still help all of you yang kini sedang melalui saat saat stress (well tell me about it huh).
I thought to myself kalau cari sendiri sure banyak tempat nak kena survey tapi kalau through blog, sure ada 'testimoni' dari mereka yang pernah menggunakan perkhidmatan that particular place. But unfortunately, the source is terhad especially for bride in Seremban. So here I am now to give my own 'testimoni' to B2B from Seremban out there with the hope that if not much, but at least I can still help all of you yang kini sedang melalui saat saat stress (well tell me about it huh).
So first of all, let us talk about things/checklist to do. Down here is one of the example (taken from google) of checklist you can do. Well actually if you just google search the word checklist kahwin sure there are plenty of them for you to use as reference. In anything you would like to do, it is the best if you plan first so that it won't get messy and serabut when time is no longer on your side.
Dah nak kahwin tapi belum siap borang kebenaran nikah luar kawasan (err borang whaaaat??) It is not only about time, more importantly it is about money! And trust me, no planning means you have a high potential to be over budget and then lastly gaduh with your partner. Wedding is a happy things, lets just not make it the other way around okay B2B.
Dah nak kahwin tapi belum siap borang kebenaran nikah luar kawasan (err borang whaaaat??) It is not only about time, more importantly it is about money! And trust me, no planning means you have a high potential to be over budget and then lastly gaduh with your partner. Wedding is a happy things, lets just not make it the other way around okay B2B.
“Berikanlah kepada kaum-kerabat haknya masing-masing dan kepada orang miskin dan orang musafir dan jangalah engkau membazir (boros) dengan melampau." [al-Isra' ayat 26]

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