I'm having doubt about LOVE.
Is there actually true love?
Semua orang yang bercinta terlalu mudah menabur janji manis.
Then apabila sesuatu terjadi, tatkala cinta itu semakin berkurangan atau tatkala masalah melanda.
Dengan mudah janji dimungkiri dan segala harapan kini hanyalah palsu.
Is this what we called as LOVE?
Then love is sucks.
And I hate love.
I hate myself for falling in love.

Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Heart is broken
It felt so lonely
I would like to run as fast as i can
So that i can left the pain behind
But as im running
I turn my back
There's my friends
Who will always be there for me.
It felt so lonely
I would like to run as fast as i can
So that i can left the pain behind
But as im running
I turn my back
There's my friends
Who will always be there for me.

How are you?
So how's life been these couple of weeks?
Hmmm. . . Let me think. Well, it has been confusing, chaotic, depressing, non-stop of tears dropping and . . . .
Everything but happy . . .
So i guess my life can be classified as quite okay. . . Seriously?
Haihhh. . . . . . . I can complaint and mourning for the rest of my life but does it make any different? It is better for me to start my new life cause im the one who chose this path. Kau nak sangat kan, haaaa amek kau!
Adakah aku rasa menyesal, bersalah, berdosa dan ingin bunuh diri? YUP!!!!! But again, does it make any difference? I guess the answer is again NO.
I'm sorry. I am really really truly deeply sorry from the bottom of my heart.
I do. . . And i hope this sorry does make a difference to you.
Cause this is the only thing i can say.
I'm sorry.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
i will SMILE
I will smile
Let me smile
Don't stop me from smile
Smile with me, will you. . .
dear world :)
Sunday, December 4, 2011

About two weeks ago kot heboh satu Malaya yg Yuna terpaksa mengembalikan trophy 'Lagu Terbaik AIM' kepada Anuar Zain. Well i wanna say to Yuna, tadahal la babe. You don't need a trophy just to let u know that u have wrote the best song ever. . . At least it is for me. Lagu Penakut has such a nice lyric and i'm loving it.
I've been listening to that song since my internship period which is early March kot and til now i could never be bored with that song. Blh dibuktikan dgn my song list ada lagu tu. . . Hehe. By the way lagu Anuar Zain tu pun memang best jugak la. So no one to be blamed on bak kata Zizan kt Melodi "Takde siapa pun nak buat salah".
Industri muzik Malaysia sgt menyedihkan and we still need Yuna and Anuar Zain so pliss jgn merajuk ea uols. Nanti kitorg nak dgr lagu best siapa lagi. If nak marah pun just cubit sikit si juruaudit yg tak berapa nak berkaliber tu. Well sila toggle in my playlist for Penakut by Yuna and jom karok with lirik kt bawah ni. . . Oyeaaaahhhh!!
Penakut - Yuna
Tak semua kau rancang akan berlaku
Mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku
Entah mengapa engkau yang aku cinta
Mungkin lebih baik kau ku lepas saja
Ini tidak adil tidak adil baginya
Ini tidak adil tidak adil bagiku
Ini tidak adil tidak adil baginya
Ini tidak adil tidak adil bagiku
Ini tidak adil
Untuk engkau bertanya jika ku mencintaimu juga
Tidak adil tidak adil baginya
Kau tak pernah cuba memahami aku
Cinta kau ucap tak pernah engkau tunjuk
Dan bila tiba saat ku kehilangan
Beban yang tak pernah cuba kau ringankan
Kau bukan milikku
Dan aku memang penakut
Mengakui cinta kepadamu
Seribu kali ku cuba ucapkan
Bila bersamamu
Kau bukan milikku
Dan engkau pun tahu
Kau bukan milikku
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Benci dan Cinta
Berhenti memBENCI
Mula menyayangi
Kerana aku pernah terbaca dan lalu membuka mata hatiku,

Mula menyayangi
Kerana aku pernah terbaca dan lalu membuka mata hatiku,
"Whatever you give to life, it gives you back.
Do not hate anybody.
The hatred which comes out from you will someday comeback to you.
Love others.
And love will come back to you."
Ingin aku mulakan lembaran baru dengan tiada lagi rasa BENCI
Hanya menyayangi
Dan belajar mendekati dan menCINTAI
DIA yg satu.
Ya Allah. . . tabahkan aku menghadapi ujianMu
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Pahitnya madu itu..haaaa..
Bosannya life sekarang ni kan, masa berlalu cepat gila kot. Anyways, time cuti that day i was damn bored and watched too much dramas and that’s what triggers me to write this post. Well its about madu..bermadu atau dimadukan. Haa. . . rasa ramai wanita out there sure melenting tatkala bf, tunang or husband diorang open up this 'provokating topic'.
First of all, wujud ke wanita yg memang redha dimadukan? Wanita kadang2 selfish bila masuk bab pasangan hidup. For me as wanita, yakin semua yg bergelar wanita tak nak berkongsi orang yg mereka sayang. Come on la, setakat shawl favourite pun belum tentu lg nak bg member pinjam ni kan pulak husband? Or bila dapat tahu bf sendiri call another woman sure perang besar. Justeru aku agak terkesima bila that one time dapat tahu yang Salleh Yaakob nak khawin utk kali ke-4 and semua wifes dia agreed on it and gave him a green light. Wow! So memang wujud la wanita yg mampu berkata "Ya" untuk dimadukan.
Next aku selalu wonder kenapa bila isteri pertama ckp okay untuk dimadukan, wanita itu akan di'respect' oleh wanita lain and at the same time dikasihani. Kalau wanita camni i can bet that if dia buat fanpage kt fb sure beribu like page dia for the sake of wanita back up wanita. Semua akan rasa 'kak long' ni telah dianiaya oleh suaminya so kena la support dia ramai2. TAPI!! Kalau la ada perempuan yg nak khawin dengan laki orang. . .woooo. . . Kena maki hamun la dengan semua wanita di seluruh dunia. If im in her position the first person who would yell to my face would be my fierce mama. . .grrrrr!!!
"ADIK!!!!!! Kau dah takde laki lain dalam dunia ni yg kau nak khawin!? Bejuta laki yg single apsal dgn laki org jugak kau nak. . . Haaaaa!!! Mama said NO!! FULSTOP!!" hamekau. . . Seram ohhhh.
And bila sampai masa laki tadi nak khawin utk kali ke-3. . . Semua orang tanpa rasa berdosa akan cakap kt bini ke-2
"Padan muka kau Jah. . .dulu kau ambik laki orang kann. . . Sekarang kau rasa la sendiri. . . hahahaha" okay, kejam sgt la kan kalau gelak macam tu.
But u got my point. Wanita sgt sensitive when it comes to bermadu or dimadukan. Sampai skg pun aku rasa Siti Nurhaliza tidak disukai oleh ramai wanita sbb dia masuk category bini ke-2 tadi 'si Perampas'. And maybe ada jugak yg sampai mampu berkata si perampas masih lagi tidak mengandung ats dasar 'balasanNYA'. . .wow. . That’s harsh.
I guess media memainkan peranan dlm hal ni. Eyh hello. . . Cuba ckp sikit cerita mana je yg menunjukkan bermadu itu manis? Haaaaa. . . Takde kot. Yg ada cuma cerita2 yg memaparkan kesengsaraan bila bermadu. . .especially utk bini pertama. Cthnya Nur Kasih, Bini-biniku Gangster, Ayat-ayat Cinta dan dlm cerita Tahajjud Cinta walaupun mereka rela bermadu tapi masih wujud hasad dengki and wife ke-3 jdk psyco last2 bila dia tak mampu nak hadapi kenyataan yg seolah-olah laki dia syg lebih wife ke-4. So tak pelik kalau wanita kt Malaysia ni benci pada 'madu'.
But there is one thing we muslim woman should realized, whatever it is kita tak mampu mengharamkan yg halal. Kita hanya blh meminta 'keadilan' diberi. Tapi wujud ke istilah 'adil' bila bermadu? I mean seadil mana pun seorang suami, dia takkan pernah adil buat si isteri sbb adil utk isteri adalah tatkala si suami hanya miliknya. . . SEORANG! So will i say "Yes" to polygamy? Hahahaha. . . My bf is smilling now while reading this post, aren't u sayang?
Friday, October 28, 2011
Nak khawin? Tak layak!
Now dah end of October and tup tap tup tap nanti tahu2 je kita semua dah melangkah ke tahun 2012. Sometimes macam tak percaya yang kita dah semakin dewasa. To be specific can't believe that i'm getting old!! 7 signs of ageing??? Damn. Time passes by so quickly kann. And ramai lah member2 ku yang telah dan akan menamatkan zaman bujang mereka. Wow. . . serious now rasa sangat tua. And to make things worst when peeps start to ask me 'The' question,
"Hang bila nak khawin ni Ain?"
And i was like, what the. . . .?
Now this is serious. I'm turning 24 lah. Tak macam awal sangat to talk about khawin ke? Or memang this is the time to talk about it? Anyway, for me to think about marriage first i need to consider all these. . .
Am i ready physically and mentally to step into marriage life?
ans: errr. . . khawin sebab boleh dapat i-pad as hantaran. Yeay!!
Dah khawin nanti nak bagi hubby makan pe?
ans: hmm. . .aku pandai masak megi okay. Tak pun makan kt luar je hari2. Kata hubby engineer.
Hidup berumah-tangga kena saling menghormati dan bertolak-ansur
ans: Dear ni. . lambat sangat la angkat phone. Menci ah. Huh.
Sejuk je hati suami bila bangun pagi2 breakfast and baju kerja dah tersedia
ans: Goodmorning sayang! Morning? Its already 2pm dear. Oopss!
Based on few things above. I'm so totally not ready to get married yet. No sir!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Its Never 'OK'
Few have asked,
"Are you okay dear?"
"Ain ok ke?"
"Weyh....pe cerr ko skg? de problem ke?"
"Darl..is something bothering you?"
And bila ditanya. . . mana korang semua dapat idea yang aku tak okay ni? Mereka seraya berkata,
Maka hilai tawa ku terus menyusuli statement diorang. Okay fine. I admit that lately i've been producing such 'dramatic posts'. But is it necessary mean that something is 'wrong' with my life? I guess their answers is,
"Hahahahahaha. . . . "
Seriously guys? Memang emo and dramatic posts can only be posted by those who have 'something wrong' in their life je ke?
Okay. . . okay. Fine. Something is definitely 'wrong' in my life and i just don't know what it is. Or actually. . . i refused to know. Okbai.

p/s: 'moron' is certainly not you guys dearest friends :)
"Are you okay dear?"
"Ain ok ke?"
"Weyh....pe cerr ko skg? de problem ke?"
"Darl..is something bothering you?"
And bila ditanya. . . mana korang semua dapat idea yang aku tak okay ni? Mereka seraya berkata,
Maka hilai tawa ku terus menyusuli statement diorang. Okay fine. I admit that lately i've been producing such 'dramatic posts'. But is it necessary mean that something is 'wrong' with my life? I guess their answers is,
"Hahahahahaha. . . . "
Seriously guys? Memang emo and dramatic posts can only be posted by those who have 'something wrong' in their life je ke?
Okay. . . okay. Fine. Something is definitely 'wrong' in my life and i just don't know what it is. Or actually. . . i refused to know. Okbai.
p/s: 'moron' is certainly not you guys dearest friends :)
Monday, October 24, 2011
a Time is all we need
I was a given a time to think
About us
But i do not know what to think about
Maybe because there are too much to think about
Or maybe there is nothing to be think of
But i took the time to reflect back on
What we did
Words we said
Places we visited
Pictures we took
and stories we shared
And i found myself smiling and crying while doing so
I guess. . . i got the answer.
I am happy when i'm with you
But i also cried because of you
Well this is what i called a relationship
There are up and down
happy and sad
whispering and shouting
And most importantly. . .
There are times when we did something wrong
We realized that we are wrong
We regret it
Try out very best to become a better person
and also time for us to give our forgiveness to each other
Let us do that. . shall we?
About us
But i do not know what to think about
Maybe because there are too much to think about
Or maybe there is nothing to be think of
But i took the time to reflect back on
What we did
Words we said
Places we visited
Pictures we took
and stories we shared
And i found myself smiling and crying while doing so
I guess. . . i got the answer.
I am happy when i'm with you
But i also cried because of you
Well this is what i called a relationship
There are up and down
happy and sad
whispering and shouting
And most importantly. . .
There are times when we did something wrong
We realized that we are wrong
We regret it
Try out very best to become a better person
and also time for us to give our forgiveness to each other
Let us do that. . shall we?
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Let me be ME
Having a weird wish
Where i wish im not me
I wish i can start a new life as a different person
As a strangers to the world
Where non will know me
Not bounded to history
And nobody will be judging
No more tears to be pour on
No more me..
Let me live in this world freely
Passes by the day with new feelings everyday
Without having any bad day
Or moody day and unlucky day
Just a happy day every single day
But what kind of life would that be
Life without a lesson and experience
A life without being me
Who am i?

Where i wish im not me
I wish i can start a new life as a different person
As a strangers to the world
Where non will know me
Not bounded to history
And nobody will be judging
No more tears to be pour on
No more me..
Let me live in this world freely
Passes by the day with new feelings everyday
Without having any bad day
Or moody day and unlucky day
Just a happy day every single day
But what kind of life would that be
Life without a lesson and experience
A life without being me
Who am i?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Gonna Kick Some. . .
It seems funny and stupid now when i think back about those "pms-emotional-overreacted" time. . and honestly. . i'm also embarrassed of myself for letting
"What the Gucci ain!. Come on gal. You are so much damn stronger than this. Let those crap find their way out of your life and stay outside."
And thus. . status on fb was updated. .
"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile."
My dearest FRIENDS
And most importantly my irreplaceable FAMILY
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Life is a masquerade
Since everybody is a good pretender
Then should i be one too?
Giving a fake smile. . .
And insincere hello. . .
And behind everybody's back. . .
Start to talk about others.
The talking would never end
Talk about the enemy
Talk about strangers
Talk about colleague
And even worst. . .
Talk about ownfriends
Or maybe there isn't anyreal friend in this world.
Well, i don't think i can take part in this kind of life
Sorry if i'm not a good pretender
Sorry if i'm not a great actress
Sorry if i'm not a backstabber
I'm just not a pretender nor a hypocrite
and i refused to be you
because i'm a much better person than you are.

Then should i be one too?
Giving a fake smile. . .
And insincere hello. . .
And behind everybody's back. . .
Start to talk about others.
The talking would never end
Talk about the enemy
Talk about strangers
Talk about colleague
And even worst. . .
Talk about own
Or maybe there isn't any
Well, i don't think i can take part in this kind of life
Sorry if i'm not a good pretender
Sorry if i'm not a great actress
Sorry if i'm not a backstabber
I'm just not a pretender nor a hypocrite
and i refused to be you
because i'm a much better person than you are.
Monday, October 3, 2011
evolving to butterfly
Weird isn't it
I mean these feelings of ours
Sometimes happy
Sometimes sad
Sometimes determine
Sometimes confused
Sometimes forgivable
Sometimes revengefull
Sometimes concern
Sometimes ignoring
Sometimes loving
Sometimes hating
Sometimes lovable
Sometimes over protective
Still. . No matter what we felt, it is a gift to us.
So that we can feel things, experienced even the worst and help us to grow up.
At least. . that's what i think.
Cause these that helped me to grow up.

Sunday, October 2, 2011
i want what i need
We always wanted those that we don’t need
We wish for everything that we don’t required
We aim too high that we missed those on the ground
We are too busy looking around and mislooked what's infront
We are mad cause nobody's listening while we are too busy talking and refused to listen
We accused others to be blind while we kept our eyes and heart closed from seeing what's around us.
Now lets pray to get what we really need
Lets wish for everything that we required only
Lets begin from the very bottom and then aim high as we climbed further
Cherish what's in front of us and only then seek around as there are too much to be wasted
Its time to let others to talk and learn to be a good listener cause we were given two ears and a mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we talk
Open up our eyes and heart cause there are too much to be looked at and grateful for
And thank Allah for all His gifts and blessings to us
The ungrateful slave…

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Have you ever make a wish and really hope that wish could comes
and you would do anything and sacrifice everything so that your
wish could finally become realistic.
wish could finally become realistic.
But when that time comes...
it seems like you don't want that wish to come true anymore.
And you just wish that you could undo your wish.
Cause finally.....
you realized its wrong... and you are too selfish.
But its too late now....
I'm sorry..
really sorry....
sorry if it was due to my stupid and selfish wish..
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Mode: Emo
The longer we live
the more we lost
the sadder we get
The more we experienced
the wiser we are
the stronger we become
The more people we get to know
the more we realized
the lesser nice people in the world
The more knowledge we gained
the more stupid things we done
the greater regret we felt
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Best Mama Eva!!!
Mama. . . you are the prettiest gal in the whole world. . *look at me now ;)
Mama. . . you are the nicest person ever. . .taking care of me your whole life
The one who full with courage by giving birth to me for almost 14 hours in the theater room
Mama. . .you always have some advices for me through out my life so i can be a better person
Your greatest concern will always be my happiness while yours is neglected
Mama. . .though i use all the phrases and words in the world but i know it still can't be any word to describe your LOVE for me
Just to let you know that. . . I will always love you so much even though it is not a Mother's Day. . .
Happy Mother's Day
Pn Fazilah Shamsuri :)
Pn Fazilah Shamsuri :)
And also to my dearest sis who is also a loving sista and mother. . .
Vid to share on this Mother's Day. . *sukee gila vid2 die ni. .such a brilliant guy!!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
My Dreamy Heroes!!
I'm still in the exam week and its about to reach the final week. . . ooyeahh!! Sukeeee sgt! tapi bila fikir2 balik. . . next week marathon 3 papers in a row!! Oh my. . . Its going to be a hectic week eva!!! And then cuti sabtu ahad, isnin tu terus kena start intern. . . haih. . . this is boooooring story of mine so now nak ckp sal menda yg a bit more interesting which is GUYS!!! *drooooling. . . haha. . .
Cik ain nak touch more on heroes in movies actually. . . So who are the heroes yg i think gals tergila-gila kan? According to 23yrs of living experience. . . rasa2 nye most of the gals agree with me if i said these guys turn us on. . . *klo korg x suke pun . i still loikeee!!! ehee. . .
Number 5!!
Taylor Launter from Twilight
Number 4!!!
Johny Depp from Pirate of The Carribeans
Number 3!!!
Robert Pattinson from Twilight
Number 2!!
Shiloh Fernandez from Red Riding Hood *baru tgk semalam. . hihi
Number 1!!!

Remy Ishak from hatiku!!!!! hahahahaha. . . .
The list full with ong putih tiba2 Remy nak masuk sekali kannn. . . Mestilah. . pape pun, mesti ambil org Melayu kita. . .nanti nak khawin tak payah ssh2 fikir sal convert. .haha. . bajet. .
Orait that's it. . nak siap2 balik rumah now!!! taaa uols!!!
Orait that's it. . nak siap2 balik rumah now!!! taaa uols!!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
PHYSICAL fever shuuhhh now~!
Barely able to stand on my two feet. . . cold! flu! cough! need a doctor plisss~
Panadol. . . . checked!
Ubat batuk. . . . checked!
Panadol Soluble. . . . checked!
Cold fever tampal kt kepala. . . . checked!
Now do let me rest for a while ya. . need energy for the rest 4 papers yg tinggal. .
By the way. . i do miss home. Baba and mama pampering me during this kind of time. . . want my mommy!! uhuk2~
p/s: thank you dear for ur care :)
p/s: thank you dear for ur care :)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Oh no! Getting worst lah....
Kenapa nie. . .tak elok pun lagi after dah mam ubat and hisap sepacket strepsils. . .
Jumaat dah nak final ni. . .
Jumaat dah nak final ni. . .
Cik ain tamo sakit2 time jawap paper 4 credit hour ni. . .
Sore throat. . . batuk. . . demam. . .
main jauh2 plisssssssss. . .
bagi cik ain settle everything first kay. . .
nnt dtg lagi. . eyh2. . jgn dtg lagi. . .
and abg remy. . .
bagi cik ain settle everything first kay. . .
nnt dtg lagi. . eyh2. . jgn dtg lagi. . .
and abg remy. . .
I MISS U ohhh~ *gatai*
taaaa. . . . .
taaaa. . . . .
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I Said...GO AWAY!!!
Yesterday. . .
I was fine but when i woke this morning. . . it felt like there's stone in my throat. . .
i don't wanna get sick now. . . so plisssss sore throat. . GO AWAY!!! puhlissss. . . .
i have another 5 papers to go and they are all quite though. . . go. . go. . go. . i said go away now!!
Abg Remy. . . . . hug camni plissss. . . . sure cik ain sihat. . . *ehem2. . . sempat lagi tuuuuuu*
p/s: Hamboi Maya. . . lebih2 feel nampak. . . abg Remy i punya okaaaay~
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Kill me je kan lagi senang!
Hamboi. . . emo betul!! . . tapi mmg cik ain rasa nak mati sgt dah ni. .!! Susah betul lah subject physic ni kannn. . I thought after matrix dah x payah lah nk terkeluar otak sbb dasat sgt fikir physic. . or hentak2 kepala kt dinding for physic. . *exaggerate sungguh~!* and yet i thought it wrong. . . haih. .
Tapi wutever it is. . i have to be strong utk study coz paper final physical chemistry this coming Friday ni je haaa. . . *so what exactly am i doing now? errrrr. . . huhu*
Anyways. . Just now mmg rasa nk mntk tlg rumate cik ain si liza ni to just stab me in the stomach or do anything that can kill me!! drp terpaksa study subject yg i "sgt sukeeeee gila nak mati" ni. . . tapi then terfikir. . .
if cik ain mati.. sure abg remy sedih sgt kannn.. bayangkanlah kalau abg remy tak lalu nak makan... mandi tak basah... hidup tanpa arah tujuan....
Esh3. . . sedihhh sgt ni. . . so i have to be strong for sake of abg remy. oyeaahhh!! u go gal! abg tamo risau yeah. . . ain tamo mati awal2. . ain cian sgt kat abg. . . nnt abg menderita kerana kehilangan ain *eeeuuuwww. . . sumpah geli! ahah~

Haaa. . . tengok2!! kan abg remy dah buat muka stress tuu. Jalan tgh2 jalan nak bagi kena langgar kereta. . . rupa cam dah hilang selera makan. . . ni semua sbb cik ain tao. . . *bajetttt. . .
huhu. . . .demi abg remy, i nak continue study lah!! taaaa~
Monday, April 25, 2011
Bukan Tak Ada Jodoh.. Just on the way je..hikhik
As all knew cik ain actually bercadang utk stalker abg ksygnku smlm di Bora Ombak tapi... disbbkan family comes first then cik ain pegi The Gardens utk menemani my parent shopping2.. *anak mithali betul! sure abg remy sukeeeee sgt! hihi* i thought sempat lah nak pegi skodeng jap after that... tapi by the time my dear and me reached college time tu dah around 5pm.. Takpe... sempat lagi nieee.. *harapan...
Dah elok2 my dear offer nk pegi mkn kt Bora Ombak... *means teman utk stalker....heee...* then tiba2 barulah perasan yg actually the event started kol2 til 7pm je. uhuk.... uhuk.... uhukkk.... rase mcm nk kill myself je!!! KENAPA?!!!! Apsal masa sgt mencemburui kita abg remy ku syg?? Kenapa takdir seolah-olah menghalang kita drp bersama??? Adakah tiada jodoh antara kita?? *perghh.... kalah script Adam and Nur.. huhu*
Then frust menonggeng lah i di atas katil sambil menangisi situation ini.. sebak ohhh! Tapi takpe... abg remy encem tamo cedih2 yea.. ite akan bersama akhirnya nnt. Selalu cerita Melayu mcm ni gak.. Mula-mula sedih gila pastu last2 confirm together2... happy ending for sure!... so kita bukan takde jodoh lah bang... just belum lagi je.. abg sabar tunggu ain yeah *tersipu-sipu malu mcm kerang busuk.. ahaha~
Btw di kala frust and trying to convince myself yg remy and i were mend to be together... maka picture yg sgt macho ini....
Yup...pic macho ini lah... dah selamat dijadikan my phone nye wallpaper.. konon2 abg remy tgh ckp dgn i la tuuu.... hikhik...
Haaaaa..... terubat rindu everytime tgk phone....... okay2! Gtg now! nk menatap wajah abg remy i... taaaaa uols~!!!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Nak pergi plissss...uhuk2~
Phewhh~! Lega rase bila dah lepas satu paper.. Walaupun sedikit terkilan tatkala terPAKSA menduduki exam time study week... tp orait lah tuuu. At least now i can brag to others yg cik ain tinggal 5 papers je lagi.. i mampu... u?? *huhu.. xde kne mngena..
Tapi dlm byk2 perkara i paliiiinnnnggggggg terkilan bila tak dapat nk pegi Bora Ombak esok.. Kalau lah cpt sikit add as friend hari tuuu... sure tgh fikir nk pakai pe utk pegi celebration birthday abg Remy i dah ni... haa.. tak paham?? orait2..cani actly....
Sejak cik ain tergila2kan abg Remy haritu.. eyh... silap2.. sejak "abg Remy tergila2kan cik ain haritu".... *muka berseri-seri.. hikhik.. maka i pun pegilah add http://www.facebook.com/remyishakfans Remy Ishak FC ni.. Then dpt lah tao actly dorg nak celebrate birthday syg i tu kt Bora Ombak... tp masalahnye... by the time they accepted me as friend, time tu baru je sehari selepas tarikh tutup utk join... sedihnye.... uhuk3~
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http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=178739165508634&set=a.158059434243274.27900.100001176567617&type=1&theater So esok ingat nak pegi gak sana.. TAK KIRA!!!! Nk stalker abg Remy encem i tuu.. tak kire lah even i cant join the celebration... asalkan dpt tgk Remy dr jauh pun blh.... *angau tahap parah ni!! ahaha~ So plissssssssssss........ my dear..... bwk sy yeah esok..... *buat muka mintak penampor... huhuhu... |
Thursday, April 21, 2011
cair sangaaaatttt~!!
Okay now tgh sgt malas giler nk study so lekkk luuu... take five and i wanna story about someone yg berjaya melt my heart and he is non other than jejaka tampan di bwh ini... hensem sgt ohh~!!!! sumpah tak tipuu.... cair sgtttttt bile memandangnya!!!! *eeuuww.. desperate.. haha..

But it is the truth.. before this tak ada lah nak teruja sgt bila tengok artis and always rasa those peeps yg bergelar artis ni mcm x perlu kot nk adore sgt.. bkn lah hebat sgt jadi artis ni. semua yg rase tak nak belajar dah.... for sure jadilah artis.. just some mmg lah educated tp plg power pun setakat jd lawyer je... huuu...

Except for heliza kot... yg agak educated and study other than law.. the rest...?? hmmm.... btw not going to bebel bout those nonsense! now nk focus kt Remy Ishak... ohhh.... my Remy Ishak.... *aaaaaaa.... mulut ternganga......

Sukeeeee sgt kt Remy coz die sgt muka lelaki Melayu. Takde lah rupa cm typical pan-asia nye artis. He is just himself. Simply Malay and truly handsome..... heeeee....... *wink2..!! sengih sampai ke telinga...
So sejak bila jatuh hati sgt dgn Remy yg handsome ni? heee... actually start drama Nur Kasih lah... gile u kalau tak suke die time tu... dah lah hot sgt! auuuwwww... haha. And... and.... nak ditambahkan lagi bile that day my dear ajak pegi tgk wayang cite ni haaa..... kt bwh ni..... ala..... CUN lah pe lg...
I never thought nk tgk cite ni coz poster pic kerbau??? omg... would that make a good cerita? and the tag line.. "Bila hero kampung try test awek glamer"..... and i was what?!! tolonglah pengarah Melayu kita.... next time cr lah tag line commercial skit.... haih... btw coz my dear suh gak then now i cant stop thinking bout REMY!!!!!
So dear... blame it on u kay... ngheeeee *jgn marah yea cyg ucuk2... huhuhu... pkay thats it for now.. Later will continue on quality he has that melts my heart.... huuu.... *berangan sal Remy....
Gtg darls!!!!! taaaaaa~
Remy..... here i come!!!!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
sickening month eva!
Hari ni the 1st day in a new month of April!!
And my wish so that bln April tidak mendatangkan pape perkara malang dlm hidup aku lagi.. Sbb bln March lepas.... mak aih!! byk sungguh la unfortunate things happened to me.. dari satu ke satu nak dtg n menduga.. and making me tired n sick...
nk tau pe yg dah jadi????? ni haaa.....
- Kereta ditelenggami air lalu merosakkan central lock kereta cumil ku... so kena byr rm10 just utk tanggalkan menda yg rosak tu sbb that was Sunday n dorg xde stock... so skg sume pintu kena manually open n satu pintu totally cant open *hah!?
- Bateri kereta kong and end up stuck kt KL Central for an hour and half til de abg polis bantuan yg baik hati membantu... *and he thought some good stuff utk digunakan klo manual car x blh hdp.. the trick of gear 2..hehe
- Tapi smlm again kereta really2 tak blh start coz bateri totally kong! so rm150 being paid for new bateri... *darn!
- Hilang selera makan.... x tau la kenapa but just cant eat dgn bersungguh-sungguh da skg ni.. sume menda now cm sgt membosankan... haih~
- Terjatuh kt faq medic and causing my kaki to terpeleot... n the worst part is.....!! xde pun abg medic or any doctor encem yg kebetulan lalu utk tolong.... *menci doctor ah cani.. wekkk~!
- Dah la saket kaki, pastu sakit perut lak sbb xde sape nak teman pergi mkn so mkn je la bihun PAMA tp end up sakit perut gila terbaek punya!! fortunately de insan2 prihatin utk diminta menapau roti telur :)
- Bln lepas duit kuar mcm air.. smpi terpaksa meminjam2 kt member2 sbb everytime cucuk duit je sure habis! cucuk je habis... habis je cucuk... now kt dlm bank..... errrkk! sgt muflis... uhuk2..
Orait.. so far tu je la yg blh di story2.. so really hope to continue my life in this month with full of hope, joy, happiness and of cause LUCK!!
And dear Allah.. forgive me for any sin i've done and give me chance utk jadi hamba mu yg lebih baik...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Malu? Insect ke tuu~?
Ehem2.. apa itu malu?
Malu adalah satu perasaan negatif yang timbul dalam diri seseorang akibat daripada kesedaran diri mengenai perlakuan tidak senonoh yang dilakukan oleh dirinya sendiri. Setiap orang yang normal mempunyai perasaan malu.
Malu dianggap sebagai tanda harga diri kerana dikatakan seseorang itu dapat merasai maruah dan harga dirinya apabila beliau mempunyai perasaan malu. Sehubungan itu, malu merupakan sesuatu yang sihat bagi orang yang bermaruah kerana perasaan ini sebenarnya dapat mendorong seseorang untuk menjaga maruah dan harga diri.
Bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai perasaan malu, mereka lazimnya dianggap orang yang tidak tahu harga diri. Pemerian untuk mereka ini ialah “Tidak tahu malu” dan “muka tebal”. Orang yang tidak tahu malu biasanya merupakan kejian orang ramai dalam masyarakat Melayu.
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Kucing ni pun pandai shy2 cat tao~ |
Ini bukan kelas bahasa Melayu uols.. just ngah gewam ngan org yg tak tau malu..!! insect tol la! grrrr~ *geget kang.. mo?
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