Friday, May 25, 2012

Dark Shadows & What to Expect When You're Expecting Reviews

Obviously it is May.
And what to watch this May?
Of cause these two movies!!

Firstly, the Dark Shadows.
A story about the cursed Banabas Collins played by Johny Depp is hilarious. Any story played by him never fail my expectation so far.
Though this movie ranked in age 18 above movie, I don't think it is too much for the audiences. A bit mysterious, funny and interesting movie thus 4.5 stars for this! :) 

Meanwhile, this second movie, What to Expect When You're Expecting is another different story though it is same genre which is comedy *serious  but yet comedy* and also for 18 above.

At first I thought this would be something just focusing on the comedy part but its not actually. Somehow, it is deep and there is also the scene where I could even have my tears on it. Indeed there are many married couples out there who wanted so much to have their own baby but God knows better. While some refuses to have one and when they do, it is already too late.
So as for me, am giving this movie 4.5 stars too!! :)

And btw, I love all of the actresses. Gojess!! While for the actor, my favourite would be Rodrigo Santoro!! *smokingly hot ;p

Movies marathon for the second time :)

Giving A Tap on My Shoulder

Assalamualaikum. . .
Yesterday was a bit rough for me.
Despite of the tears and pain,
I  still got through today.
So Alhamdulillah.
Dan sebangunnya dari tidur,
berita baik datang mencurah-curah :)

It wasn't that great,
but at least it is BETTER than before.
And I'm thankful for that.
And you know what? 

Cause if you don't,
nobody will.
And I love this quotation quoted by Wardina,

". . .Today is the day I'm going to boost my happiness. . ."

p/s: so should you.
I know you can.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Its Monday
And Yes!
I'm bored.
Lecture sejam sahaja hari ini maka jam-jam yang selebihnya dihabiskan mengonline.
And Yes Again!
Website yang pasti dilayari adalah
Dan untuk kesekian kalinya
Tak habis lagi bercerita tentang my favourite wedding SCHAWAL!!
And among all the pictures,
This is my favourite!!

Although yang lain pun sangat sweet *berbunga-bunga hatiku melihat. #eh
For pictures yang lain yang sweet giler sila layari *hamboi! siap promote gittew :p

Sebab nanti boleh tengok pictures macam ni!!



Ohh by the way
NAK khawin JUGAK!!!

p/s: kumpul duit banyak-banyak