Unlike many shampoos and conditioners, the Herbal Essences brand doesn't contain parabens--a class of chemicals thought to cause breast cancer and estrogenic activity. But apparently the popular brand contains high levels of another carcinogenic chemical: 1,4-dioxane.
Herbal Essences contains so much dioxane, in fact, that it should carry a warning label required for cancer-causing chemicals under California's Proposition 65. Proctor & Gamble is well-aware of its transgressions and is currently changing the hair product line's formula so that it contains less dioxane.
Even though P&G is fixing Herbal Essences, dioxane remains a problem in many brands. The worst offenders, according to the 1,4 Dioxane Product Safety Watch, include Dial, Palmolive, Head and Shoulders, and Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Liquid Dish Soap, which contains 10 times more dioxane than any other brand.
Yeah.. tahukah anda bahawa fakta di atas adalah benar belaka yg diperoleh drp:
At first x pernah sedar pun ingredients kt shampoo yg baru cik ain try nie.. Tp setelah diinform oleh my dear boyot maka barulah terhegeh-hegeh nk baca labelnya.. dan terima kasih kpd lecturer2 chemistry yg berpenat-lelah mengajarku bhw DIOXANE itu menyebabkan CANCER!! maka barulah sedar... dah almost setengah botol dioxane yg kucurahkan ke kepalaku..
Perghh!! geram gak lah cik ain bila mengetahuinya.. Punya lah ktorg sgt menjaga diri drp dicontiminated oleh bhn2 kimia time dlm lab.. tau2 je buta2 sy menggunakan product yg mengandungi bhn penyebab CANCER setiap hari!!
dah try bgtau and atasi masalah ini tapi belum dpt jln penyelesaian kot.. So yg terbaik adalah dinasihatkan tidak meneruskan penggunaan jenama ini.. And for info..its not specific to this brand je... byk lg consumer product yg de bhn2 penyebab cancer like formaldehyde.. dioxane.. parabens..
So be alert yeah pasni cik ain dgn product2 yg akan anda gunakan..sila baca label and manfaatkan ilmu chemistry yg bersusah-payah kamu dptkn tuuu.. "Anda Mampu Merubahnya" haha.. sekian, input utk hari ni ;p
i've told ya..:)..my cik ain da chemist..very2 dangerous chemical,so cik ain better replace tat shampoo ASAP..okayh!..
ReplyDeletehaha..orait boss!! belikan new shampoo ASAP please ;D