Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I have one wish, I wanna. . .


Will you do it with me? 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Salam Jumaat buat semua! Today terasa nak buat refleksi diri. So I have been asking myself few questions since bangun daripada tidur pagi tadi *eh pagi ke? almost noon i guess :p 
Btw what kind of questions were they? 
Nak share kat sini satu je. Heeeee. . .

Siapakah Ain?

Bertanyakan soalan ini kepada diri sendiri terasa seolah-olah macam hilang ingatan pulak. Ain tu for sure la my own name kan. But that's not the answer i seek for. I would like to know who am I? Is it the same old Ain? Or have I grown up and finally become a mature 24 years old woman? So jawapannya? 

I managed to change a few perspectives in life. Maybe dah masanya untuk terima apa yang tertulis buat diri ini. I'm getting to open up my eyes to many possibilities in life. Just because kita asyik terserempak dengan orang yang sama walau jauh merantau, tak bermaksud dunia ini kecil. Dan hanya sebab kita tak mampu melihat dunia di sebelah sana nun jauh merentasi lautan, tak bermaksud dunia ini terlalu besar untuk diterokai. *sangat metafora okaaaaaay

So my point here, I"m getting 'there'. Just give me more times. I promise I'll grow up. I eventually will.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It never felt like this before.
Never was i ever imagined it could be ever like this.
I'm not mad.
Nor am I disappointed.
It was just a feeling i felt.
Indescribable feeling.

You Give Me the Type of Feeling People Write Novels About 

p/s: I saw  it.