Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mode: Emo

Kill Yourself

The longer we live
the more we lost
the sadder we get

The more we experienced
the wiser we are
the stronger we become

The more people we get to know
the more we realized
the lesser nice people in the world

The more knowledge we gained
the more stupid things we done
the greater regret we felt

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Best Mama Eva!!!

Mama. . . you are the prettiest gal in the whole world. . *look at me now ;)

Mama. . . you are the nicest person ever. . .taking care of me your whole life

The one who full with courage by giving birth to me for almost 14 hours in the theater room

Mama. . .you always have some advices for me through out my life so i can be a better person

Your greatest concern will always be my happiness while yours is neglected

Mama. . .though i use all the phrases and words in the world but i know it still can't be any word to describe your LOVE for me

Just to let you know that. . . I will always love you so much even though it is not a Mother's Day. . .

Happy Mother's Day
Pn Fazilah Shamsuri :)

And also to my dearest sis who is also a loving sista and mother. . .

Vid to share on this Mother's Day. . *sukee gila vid2 die ni. .such a brilliant guy!!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Dreamy Heroes!!

I'm still in the exam week and its about to reach the final week. . . ooyeahh!! Sukeeee sgt! tapi bila fikir2 balik. . . next week marathon 3 papers in a row!! Oh my. . . Its going to be a hectic week eva!!! And then cuti sabtu ahad, isnin tu terus kena start intern. . . haih. . . this is boooooring story of mine so now nak ckp sal menda yg a bit more interesting which is GUYS!!! *drooooling. . . haha. . .

Cik ain nak touch more on heroes in movies actually. . . So who are the heroes yg i think gals tergila-gila kan? According to 23yrs of living experience. . . rasa2 nye most of the gals agree with me if i said these guys turn us on. . . *klo korg x suke pun .  i still loikeee!!! ehee. . .

Number 5!!
Taylor Launter from Twilight

Number 4!!!
Johny Depp from Pirate of The Carribeans

Number 3!!!
Robert Pattinson from Twilight 

Number 2!!
Shiloh Fernandez from Red Riding Hood *baru tgk semalam. . hihi

Number 1!!!
Remy Ishak from hatiku!!!!! hahahahaha. . . . 

The list full with ong putih tiba2 Remy nak masuk sekali kannn. . . Mestilah. . pape pun, mesti ambil org Melayu kita. . .nanti nak khawin tak payah ssh2 fikir sal convert. .haha. . bajet. .
Orait that's it. . nak siap2 balik rumah now!!! taaa uols!!!