Friday, February 10, 2012

No where to go

Before this or now, later. . .whenever it is. It just does not bring any difference. I can't stop now. I've been drifted away too far til there's no longer way to turn back. Until that day comes, I'll still be here. Though I'm invisible, I'll always be here. Though you refuse to see me, I am here. Never was been far away from your heart. Since that day..

Friday, February 3, 2012

Maybe I'm Still. . .

What am I thinking?? Ya Allah. I'm so lost and don't know what to do. I broke so many hearts and bring so many tears to this world. I don't deserve to be happy. How could I? While others suffer because of me. I'm too selfish and ignorant. I'm sorry. I have second thought today. But I'm afraid to do anything about it. To be honest, I don't know if I can do anything about it. My heart and brain just refuse to co-operate.

"Don’t cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won’t let you see the stars." - Violeta Parra

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Its a second day of February. And I'm a day for being 24th. Its a bit awkward for celebrating my birthday 'alone'. Tak ingat dah bila kali terakhir. Atau mungkin, tak pernah? Ke pernah? Whatever la. To tell ya the truth, I expected yesterday to be pretty lame and nasty. But it turned out to be fine.

Therefore, I'm thankful for the happiness I still have. Despite of everything that happened, semalam kira okay la. Masih mampu nk mengukir senyuman di bibir. Seronok bila kita tahu dalam dunia ni kita tak sendirian. Dan masih ada teman yg sudi buat kita tersenyum. Thank you so much.

"The happiest feeling in the world is by making others happy"