Mama. . . you are the prettiest gal in the whole world. . *look at me now ;)
Mama. . . you are the nicest person ever. . .taking care of me your whole life
The one who full with courage by giving birth to me for almost 14 hours in the theater room
Mama. . .you always have some advices for me through out my life so i can be a better person
Your greatest concern will always be my happiness while yours is neglected
Mama. . .though i use all the phrases and words in the world but i know it still can't be any word to describe your LOVE for me
Just to let you know that. . . I will always love you so much even though it is not a Mother's Day. . .
Happy Mother's Day
Pn Fazilah Shamsuri :)
And also to my dearest sis who is also a loving sista and mother. . .
Vid to share on this Mother's Day. . *sukee gila vid2 die ni. .such a brilliant guy!!