Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Dreamy Heroes!!

I'm still in the exam week and its about to reach the final week. . . ooyeahh!! Sukeeee sgt! tapi bila fikir2 balik. . . next week marathon 3 papers in a row!! Oh my. . . Its going to be a hectic week eva!!! And then cuti sabtu ahad, isnin tu terus kena start intern. . . haih. . . this is boooooring story of mine so now nak ckp sal menda yg a bit more interesting which is GUYS!!! *drooooling. . . haha. . .

Cik ain nak touch more on heroes in movies actually. . . So who are the heroes yg i think gals tergila-gila kan? According to 23yrs of living experience. . . rasa2 nye most of the gals agree with me if i said these guys turn us on. . . *klo korg x suke pun .  i still loikeee!!! ehee. . .

Number 5!!
Taylor Launter from Twilight

Number 4!!!
Johny Depp from Pirate of The Carribeans

Number 3!!!
Robert Pattinson from Twilight 

Number 2!!
Shiloh Fernandez from Red Riding Hood *baru tgk semalam. . hihi

Number 1!!!
Remy Ishak from hatiku!!!!! hahahahaha. . . . 

The list full with ong putih tiba2 Remy nak masuk sekali kannn. . . Mestilah. . pape pun, mesti ambil org Melayu kita. . .nanti nak khawin tak payah ssh2 fikir sal convert. .haha. . bajet. .
Orait that's it. . nak siap2 balik rumah now!!! taaa uols!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

PHYSICAL fever shuuhhh now~!

Barely able to stand on my two feet. . . cold! flu! cough! need a doctor plisss~

Panadol. . . . checked!

Ubat batuk. . . . checked!

Panadol Soluble. . . . checked!

Cold fever tampal kt kepala. . . . checked!

Now do let me rest for a while ya. . need energy for the rest 4 papers yg tinggal. . 

By the way. . i do miss home. Baba and mama pampering me during this kind of time. . . want my mommy!! uhuk2~

p/s: thank you dear for ur care :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oh no! Getting worst lah....

Kenapa nie. . .tak elok pun lagi after dah mam ubat and hisap sepacket strepsils. . .
Jumaat dah nak final ni. . . 
Cik ain tamo sakit2 time jawap paper 4 credit hour ni. . .
Sore throat. . . batuk. . . demam. . . 
main jauh2 plisssssssss. . .
bagi cik ain settle everything first kay. . .
nnt dtg lagi. . eyh2. . jgn dtg lagi. . .
and abg remy. . . 

I MISS U ohhh~ *gatai*
taaaa. . . . .