Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nak pergi plissss...uhuk2~

Phewhh~! Lega rase bila dah lepas satu paper.. Walaupun sedikit terkilan tatkala terPAKSA menduduki exam time study week... tp orait lah tuuu. At least now i can brag to others yg cik ain tinggal 5 papers je lagi.. i mampu... u?? *huhu.. xde kne mngena..

Tapi dlm byk2 perkara i paliiiinnnnggggggg terkilan bila tak dapat nk pegi Bora Ombak esok.. Kalau lah cpt sikit add as friend hari tuuu... sure tgh fikir nk pakai pe utk pegi celebration birthday abg Remy i dah ni... haa.. tak paham?? orait2..cani actly....

Sejak cik ain tergila2kan abg Remy haritu.. eyh... silap2.. sejak "abg Remy tergila2kan cik ain haritu".... *muka berseri-seri.. hikhik..  maka i pun pegilah add  Remy Ishak FC ni.. Then dpt lah tao actly dorg nak celebrate birthday syg i tu kt Bora Ombak... tp masalahnye... by the time they accepted me as friend, time tu baru je sehari selepas tarikh tutup utk join... sedihnye.... uhuk3~

So esok ingat nak pegi gak sana.. TAK KIRA!!!! Nk stalker abg Remy encem i tuu.. tak kire lah even i cant join the celebration... asalkan dpt tgk Remy dr jauh pun blh.... *angau tahap parah ni!! ahaha~

So plissssssssssss........ my dear..... bwk sy yeah esok..... *buat muka mintak penampor... huhuhu...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

cair sangaaaatttt~!!

Okay now tgh sgt malas giler nk study so lekkk luuu... take five and i wanna story about someone yg berjaya melt my heart and he is non other than jejaka tampan di bwh ini... hensem sgt ohh~!!!! sumpah tak tipuu.... cair sgtttttt bile memandangnya!!!! *eeuuww.. desperate.. haha..

But it is the truth.. before this tak ada lah nak teruja sgt bila tengok artis and always rasa those peeps yg bergelar artis ni mcm x perlu kot nk adore sgt.. bkn lah hebat sgt jadi artis ni. semua yg rase tak nak belajar dah.... for sure jadilah artis.. just some mmg lah educated tp plg power pun setakat jd lawyer je... huuu...

Except for heliza kot... yg agak educated and study other than law.. the rest...?? hmmm.... btw not going to bebel bout those nonsense! now nk focus kt Remy Ishak... ohhh.... my Remy Ishak.... *aaaaaaa.... mulut ternganga......

Sukeeeee sgt kt Remy coz die sgt muka lelaki Melayu. Takde lah rupa cm typical pan-asia nye artis. He is just himself. Simply Malay and truly handsome..... heeeee....... *wink2..!! sengih sampai ke telinga...

So sejak bila jatuh hati sgt dgn Remy yg handsome ni? heee... actually start drama Nur Kasih lah... gile u kalau tak suke die time tu... dah lah hot sgt! auuuwwww... haha. And... and.... nak ditambahkan lagi bile that day my dear ajak pegi tgk wayang cite ni haaa..... kt bwh ni..... ala..... CUN lah pe lg...

I never thought nk tgk cite ni coz poster pic kerbau??? omg... would that make a good cerita? and the tag line.. "Bila hero kampung try test awek glamer"..... and i was what?!! tolonglah pengarah Melayu kita.... next time cr lah tag line commercial skit.... haih... btw coz my dear suh gak then now i cant stop thinking bout REMY!!!!!

So dear... blame it on u kay... ngheeeee *jgn marah yea cyg ucuk2... huhuhu... pkay thats it for now.. Later will continue on quality he has that melts my heart.... huuu.... *berangan sal Remy....

Gtg darls!!!!! taaaaaa~
Remy..... here i come!!!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

sickening month eva!

Hari ni the 1st day in a new month of April!! 
And my wish so that bln April tidak mendatangkan pape perkara malang dlm hidup aku lagi.. Sbb bln March lepas.... mak aih!! byk sungguh la unfortunate things happened to me.. dari satu ke satu nak dtg n menduga.. and making me tired n sick... 
nk tau pe yg dah jadi????? ni haaa.....

  1. Kereta ditelenggami air lalu merosakkan central lock kereta cumil ku... so kena byr rm10 just utk tanggalkan menda yg rosak tu sbb that was Sunday n dorg xde stock... so skg sume pintu kena manually open n satu pintu totally cant open *hah!?
  2. Bateri kereta kong and end up stuck kt KL Central for an hour and half til de abg polis bantuan yg baik hati membantu... *and he thought some good stuff utk digunakan klo manual car x blh hdp.. the trick of gear 2..hehe
  3. Tapi smlm again kereta really2 tak blh start coz bateri totally kong! so rm150 being paid for new bateri... *darn!
  4. Hilang selera makan.... x tau la kenapa but just cant eat dgn bersungguh-sungguh da skg ni.. sume menda now cm sgt membosankan... haih~
  5. Terjatuh kt faq medic and causing my kaki to terpeleot... n the worst part is.....!! xde pun abg medic or any doctor encem yg kebetulan lalu utk tolong.... *menci doctor ah cani.. wekkk~!
  6. Dah la saket kaki, pastu sakit perut lak sbb xde sape nak teman pergi mkn so mkn je la bihun PAMA tp end up sakit perut gila terbaek punya!! fortunately de insan2 prihatin utk diminta menapau roti telur :)
  7. Bln lepas duit kuar mcm air.. smpi terpaksa meminjam2 kt member2 sbb everytime cucuk duit je sure habis! cucuk je habis... habis je cucuk... now kt dlm bank..... errrkk! sgt muflis... uhuk2..

Orait.. so far tu je la yg blh di story2.. so really hope to continue my life in this month with full of hope, joy, happiness and of cause LUCK!! 
And dear Allah.. forgive me for any sin i've done and give me chance utk jadi hamba mu yg lebih baik...