Sunday, February 20, 2011

Movee Mania

As always.. its weekend so dear and me hook up with the latest movie on the screen..ooyeaah!! *haha..over lak.. Well, among them are these two adrenalin rush movies "The Mechanic" and "Sanctum"

"The Mechanic" ni suit la those guys yg suka action movies.. tumbuk2, tembak2, brutality, killing others *which i dont like tp blh la nak layan.. So there is one guy yg pic dlm poster tu, Arthur Bishop working as a elite assassin to eliminate targets and then die turunkan ilmu kt a young guy ni yg tatau actually his father had been killed by Arthur.

So byk la aksi2 ganas dan takde kesian yg berlaku throughout this movie.. And on and on it goes smpi part ending.. and wow! best gak Orait tu je blh cite cz cite lebih2 kang bek x yah tgk da..huu *actually mls nk cr ayt..

The 2nd movie we watched apa lg kalau bkn "Sanctum". Still lg adrenalin rush nye movie just that no shooting scene.. but NOT to worry cz ada gak.... tumbuk2, saling berbunuhan and mostly accidental dead sbb degil..huhu

Bermula dgn mission nak mencari aliran air mengalir dr satu underground gua ke laut *bajet nk msuk national geographic.. so dorg msok la and then tak diduga ribut melanda island tu and they were stuck inside and no where to escape except cr gak jln ke laut.

So along the movie rmi yg mati and kinda sedih.. and de gak part yg tak sanggup nak tgk cz sgt kesian.. btw here some trailer to watch! enjoy~

Friday, February 18, 2011

Doink! Doink! There goes my brain~!

Monkey Winks  Monkey Icon          Monkey Wink  Monkey Icon        Monkey Winks  Monkey Winks
Monkey Emoticons  Monkey Winks          Monkey Icon  Monkey Emoticons          Monkey Icon  Monkey Emoticons

Monkey Emoticons  Monkey Emoticon  Monkey Icons

Me having bipolar emotions..huu~!

Berdosakah Varsitiku~?

wow! kontroversi an title post cik ain hari nie? ehem2..nie yg nak story mory ni. Ptg tadi as usual me and my dear pergi early dinner after long hours of class. Everything is normal.. and today ktorg mkn kt Popeyes.. Not so bad la food dorg. And around 6pm gerak la kami blk kolej.. 

Keluar2 je drp mid, mak aih! punya la lebat hujan along with strong winds. Most of the roads kt Bangsar tu pun dah mula dinaiki air and standard la KL nie.. we were stuck in the jam! Tp takde apa yg menarik tentang sume tu..sehinggalah....

Kereta kena himpap pokok..and satu lg kereta try elak terus msok longkang

Pokok tumbang kt fakulti engineering lalu menghimpap kereta...lagi~! *tnx airul :p

Keadaan di luar kolej 2nd

Pokok terbelah dua...huu

Kawasan construction dpn 12th juga tak ketinggalan..

Inilah situasi kt UM petang td.. esh3.. seolah2 di timpa bencana alam yg maha dahsyat! ktorg sempat gak la amek sume2 pic nie as ktorg go along the roads yg kebanyakannya ditutup sbb sume2 pokok kt UM tumbang! 

Tak pernah lagi tengok keadaan UM yg sebegini. Sepanjang my dear stay kt UM for 4 years nie pn katenya belum penah lg jadik mcm ni. Mungkin petanda dr Yang Maha Esa.. Mungkin peringatan drp NYA buat kita yg leka.. Mungkin sudah tiba masanya kita membuka "MATA HATI" yg kian tertutup dek kealpaan dunia.. Hmm...mungkin juga??

p/s: pic tak bape lawa sbb guna phone je..
and ats permintaan..cdt tu my driver.. tibe2 cik ain terasa mcm reporter..aauuwww~!